
Creating and validating various scenarios for product production in a virtual workspace helps identify and analyze numerous issues that may arise in actual production. This activity aims to explore optimal production conditions and reduce Setup time.

Robotics simulation

Logistics Simulation

Line Simulation

PLC Simulation

Digital Pre-Assembly Simulation

Production plan verification

  • Define the production plan process for production (Pert Chart, utilizing Gantt Chart)
  • Product, Resource definition in Process (Cost calculation and Line Balancing)
  • Creation of simulation model → Verification of production plan / Simulation execution (calculation of alternatives)

Detailed process verification

  • Detailed process planning based on the verified production planning process based on unit process (using Pert Chart, Gantt Chart)
  • Integrated verification of product assembly procedures with 3D data for peripheral facilities/dental devices, robots and people
  • The role of an auxiliary system for integrated verification by reflecting detailed verified information back into the production plan verification system

On-site connection verification

  • Electric, pneumatic or hydraulic drive logic given
  • Verification of automation logic by connecting the program running on the field PLC CPU to 3D Data
  • Supports connection between PLCs of 5 major manufacturers and other manufacturers that provide OPC communication and CAD data